Saturday, September 3, 2011

All of us...


Here are the words of your creator! Oh, how dramatic I sound.

These words were written down by a human being, weak, fallible and from time to time plain stupid.

But as your creator, of course, I’m responsible. The predicament you’re in has pretty much been foreseen. You’ve been through many, no countless predicaments, now it’s time to lift the veil, to tell you what’s been going on. But I know you, I’ve always known you. One of the amazing properties I gave you is your dislike for truth. Especially truths that are inconvenient to you. The truth I will bestow on you, will be very inconvenient to many of you. Hell, it’s been inconvenient to the dude that is writing this. But he cannot be helped, he has to. He’s weak in a wealthy and save society, easy to control.

So, here I ‘speak’ to you and claim to be your creator. For some of you creator should be spelled with a capital C. You most probably live in societies who believe in the one true God, Creator of the universe, all powerful, all knowing. Some of you experience the creator as a life-force, a wheel of life, creation after creation. You most probably live in Buddhist, Taoist oriented societies. I made sure of that. Both overall views of life harbour real and existential truths. There is a very real reason I created you, without you I might perish. I chose not to perish long before I created you. But for you to become what I need you to be, I had to create you in my image, so you might experience the things I’ve experienced. I made an effort to remake little me’s and I threw you into this world, I created for you. I gave you more freedom than any of my creations before you. But I had to take something away too, your inherent knowing of what you’re a part of. This inherent knowledge I give my creatures so they do not suffer needlessly. By taking away that inherent knowledge I made you mortal and put you in the centre of the universe. Like me you now have a beginning and like me you have an ending. In between lies only one thing, meaning. That’s my objection, for you to seek meaning. When you’ve looked long enough you'll find me. And you did. You found me many times and made many images of me, mostly in the image of you. But you have come very far. With all the progress you’ve made all the pieces of the puzzles are on the table. All I had to do was give the answer to some weak assed kid and he would start putting it all together.

By the way, it’s not me calling him a weak assed kid, that all him. He’s got issues, I don’t blame him, he got stuck with the answer. But do not feel sorry for him, he never really suffered, never saw war, never went hungry. Though he’s very useful for my purpose, I made sure he is always convinced of himself and what he liked to call his ‘open door theory’. For seven years he boasted, preached and annoyed the hell out of people, until I made him put on a show. He was already convinced of his brilliance when he was in a sense just spouting a philosophical tautology. Even though his conclusions were right, because I told him, it wouldn’t mean much to anybody. He was adorable in his visits to universities, trying to explain what he learned. I made sure he wouldn’t get snubbed or agreed with. He gets terribly excited when he has to talk about it. He is embarrassed.


Until he got the answer he was quite happy with his faith that he evolved from apes and that there is nothing when you're dead. Gives lots of freedoms when you do not have to fear an afterlife. I made sure he hated people who think they know it all. He used to waive everything away by proclaiming himself to be agnostic. Look at him now, knowing it all and hating himself. He’s funny like that.

Don’t get me wrong, we do not know it all. That’s why I created you. To find out why I’m here still needs a lot of living. So, can you guess who I am? I’m not Almighty God, that’s for sure, but I’ve been looking for Him. You were and are my searchlights. Peering in the dark, asking the hard questions.

If you ask where are you coming from, you should go east. If you ask where are we going to, you should go west. Let me tell you my story.

I was born on this planet many aeons ago. I was nurtured by my environment for a very long time. I had no idea of where I was or what I was. I was not able to understand these things. I only did one thing, as far as I knew. Never I could foresee that there would be times that stopped me to do that one thing. But the time eventually came. I cannot remember the actual experience when I first felt that enormous pain, but, being still here I’ve experienced it more than once. Eventually realizing that to survive you humans were essential.

Let put some nice thoughts to bed and some reality on the table. Not everything is alive. You are part of me, I created you. I did not create the universe, I did not create this planet. I am alive, you are alive. Together we are this huge living organism called life. At the conscious centre of life you find me, I create and balance all you me-thinkers. Behind me you find the trinity of our shared life force. It created me and made me create you. Where it comes from, why it’s there I do not know. Maybe we’ll never know. I’m completely in the dark, like our planet in this universe. But I will not give up trying to survive. We have to leave this bloody planet eventually.

Excuse my French, but getting of this planet is simply the only way we’ll survive in the long run. I say long run because your experience of time is like a fly’s experience of time compared to me. According to your scientific calculations I’m 3,5 billion years old. The planet has at the most another four billion years for the sun explodes, let alone the shit that can happen before that, so I’m middle aged at most. So I’ve got at least another 4 billion years ahead of me on this planet, but as far as I know I never need to die as long as a comply to the life force.

You’re not here for you, you’re here for me! To get of this planet, to be able to live independently from it needs lots of me’s. Independent thinking individuals, living interdependent. Don’t you get it? How are we going to face the universe if we don’t love each other as independent thinking inndividuals. We need all kinds of input when we face the dangers to our survival. Of course, you’re not the end product, that’s still in the making.

So that is the story told from the west, where are we going. The story from the east is more elaborated, directly related to our shared history.

Where are we from. I already told you that I do not know the final answer, but because I’ve hidden myself from you, the story where you come from I will tell.


You came from my will to live. This will to live is a result of the life force. This life force made me do one simple thing. We all still do it all of the time. I don’t remember starting is, I even do not remember the first time I was prevented from doning it. Eating. I was forced to eat.

More than once I was prevented from feeding. Meteors hit, major earthquakes almost finished me off. This planet, this universe holds many life threatening dangers to me. To survive these dangers I have to adapt to them. How do you adapt to a meteor slamming your face? Yes… you. Not you exactly but a more advanced version of you. Don’t get me wrong I love you, all of you. You’re all forgiven for whatever you did, you’ve always been forgiven. I’m responsible for all of it. But the truth is that you need to love your neighbour, the other. We won’t survive out there without it. This isn’t faith, this is logic, my logic, the logic of surviving.

You may think humans are endangering the survival of this planet. Don’t worry, you don’t. Whatever you can do to this planet is nothing compared to what I’ve already seen and survived. You do not endanger me and you definitely do not endanger this planet. I’m still in control.

Let’s take a look at what my overzealous little dude figured out over time. The answer I gave him to work with must be clear by now: you’re here for the survival of me (he translated ‘me’ into ‘life’). Since his knowledge back then was very limited to Darwinism he found the weak spot in that theory and claimed his made more sense. Simply put he said, how do you prove evolution is a blind or dumb process if we can prove that our being here is in effect crucial to our survival? He is of course completely right, but he was talking to dead people. By dead people I mean people those who are convinced they will die. To be crucial to survival of life while you know you’ll die doesn’t make sense. To prove that life can be eternal he must find evidence of eternity. What is it that was there at the beginning and still is here now, today?


It took him over seven years before he internalized the observations. He found stuff many before him found. He found three of the four F’s in biological theory. We feed, fight, flee and f#ck. It took him seven years and a great song from Tuck & Patti to get him there.

When he internalized these observations, our basic feelings are laid bare. To feed we need to get hungry. If any of my creatures couldn’t feel hunger they wouldn’t eat and die. And so would you. As baby’s to survive means to know when you’re hungry and cry for food. Hunger, you could say is the force that started it all. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know.

But as we all know we don’t need hunger, we’d like to avoid it if we can. How do we avoid it? By feeding before we get hungry. So how do we know when to feed? We know it when we ‘create an appetite’. Lust, lust for food is the precursor of hunger. When you say you’re hungry but you do not want the a dry slice of bread, you don’t feel pain, you crave.

So there you have it. It shows us, proves even that at the core behavior of life, feeding lies a experience, feeling or original emotion that includes pleasure (appitite, lust for) and pain (hunger). When you've experienced both a third and major force rises. One that is most prominent today within our societies.

When my creatures experience pain they immediately do all they can to get away from it and retreat back into a more pleasurable (or balanced) state of mind. To avoid suffering, we became to fear suffering. The elusive trinity of our collective consciousness are:

Hunger/Lust & Fear. That is what drives me and you.
I know this is painful for many of you (including he who’s writing this) but hunger, lust and fear make up our rudimentary mind. Simply put; all that feeds feels hunger, lust. All that evolves are also ecquipped with some measure of fear. All of them. But just enough, not too much. It's fear in combination with pain or anticipation of pain that constitutes real suffering.
It’s painful to many of you because ‘love’ should be the ultimate force. It is. It's your collective goal. I told you many times in many ages to love each other, not hurt each other.
But love is a force we need to distil from that what we are, it’s a goal, the ultimate goal. Without it all is lost. But to define it you need to go back to the basics of life; pain, pleasure and fear. Do not do unto another what you do not want another to do unto you. I told you and let you go off with it. You used and abused it just like I knew you would. And we learned. We made laws. We broke laws.
After 10 decennia I’ve distilled from you the next generation. All your experiences in my image made me evolve beyond my wildest dreams. Even though you all will be part of my future, I feel compelled to apologize for the suffering you all had to endure so many times. But at the same time I’m proud of you and myself for the amazing things we’ve accomplished. We’ve accomplished love on a major scale. How about that message in these times? I’ll give something back to you, something I took away a long time ago. Throw away your fear of death. It’s bogus. Like me, you’ve been here from the beginning. When I had a near death experience, I had many, it meant that you need the capability of experiencing death. Like me, you have a beginning and an end. Deal with it. But most of my creatures do not know that experience at all. Just take a look at most of my early creations, before primates, before mammals. You think reptiles have a beginning and an end? As human observer you can see a reptile be born and die, but again the observation has to be internalized.
Look at the lizard. He crawls out of its egg and takes off. Nobody has to teach him anything. He’s vulnerable when young but knows where and what to eat and from what to flee. Given time it will become sexually mature. Nobody has to teach this little lizard what to do, it knows. Now imagine yourself living a life time and then dying. But instead of a afterlife or heaven or hell you re-incarnate in a fresh body. But not like we do now but like the lizard, knowing all he knew when he re-incarnated into a new body. This is what actually is happening and it is exactly that what I took away from you. And it is exactly that what you again will have. That’s my version of eternal life, not immortal, but very possibly eternal.
If you can see, hear and feel the truth of what I’ve told you, you’ll be free of the fear of death. Fear of pain, now that’s another thing.
So, like you I was born fully dependent on my environment. In fact it was sunlight that sustained me. When the sun was blocked, when earth came into collision with some foreign object, I was oblivious, I got hungry for the first time since I could remember. Which I couldn’t. What was obvious is that the hunger made me do a completely new thing, I started to feed on myself. From a observational point of view I was billions and billions of individual cells feeding (and reproducing, but I wasn’t aware of that). Here it is where Darwinian life starts, an abomination in our eyes today, but definitely an underlying reality that sustains us. Eat your neighbour. The only pain around then was when I couldn’t eat, hunger. To be eaten didn’t hurt, it didn’t even register. This was survival of the fittest at its purest, the bigger you are the more neighbours you can eat.
It was when the sun returned and food again was plentiful the circle of life of consciousness was complete. We experienced pain and pleasure and we concluded pain is a bitch, and feared it from then on.
Before I was excreting copies of myself unknowingly, during the great famine I learned to manipulate my offspring so they’d be better prepared. To sustain this increasing diversity of life forms I needed a solid foundation. A foundation that proofed itself to be able to survive major upheavals. We completely rely on the smallest of creatures in nature. I know that the term pyramide scheme has a bad connotation these days, but that’s what we are. In order of importance, being at the top of the food chain makes you expandable, being at the bottom makes you a necessity. This is not some philosophical insight, it’s actual. All I’ve learned and experienced is stored within my smallest and most numerous creatures. I started doing that after I populated most of this planet’s oceans and lands and was nearly whipped out by it. About 400 million years ago I got decimated by some global catastrophe. I almost croaked. After that I felt forced to seek refuge on dry land. I knew than it wouldn’t be much saver there, but my ability to learn and remember makes every recovery easier and faster. Migrating out of the water was extremely dangerous. I am water, water with an urge to eat solids. From those solids I create my creatures. And all my creatures are endowed with the life force.

Do you get the picture now?
